It’s a folk tale that’s either a couple hundred years old or a couple thousand, depending upon who’s telling its history. And there are many different versions out there today, featuring catalysts from an acorn plummeting onto Chicken Little’s noggin to a leaf drifting onto her tail. There are apparently numerous endings available, too, most of them featuring an evil fox eating Chicken Little’s friends for supper.
But whatever its denouement, the point of the story is obvious: Don’t ever panic over foolish fears based on sketchy claims from unreliable sources. And for Pete’s sake, if you simply can’t control your terror, keep it to yourself; please don’t infect others with it.
Whichever positions you've taken in the current pandemic debates, you have to admit that the world has ignored the lessons of Chicken Little, allowing itself to become overwhelmed by fear. And if certain observers are correct, it’s only the start; a much more devastating virus may already be on its way, along with another surefire vaccine or two. Grab the kids and head for the hills, Ma!
This is not to say that we should just ignore diseases and other dangers. And naturally we should take reasonable precautions: If you’re sick, stay home and resist the temptation to go wandering around a nursing home. If you’re well but have an acquaintance who is sick, don’t pay her a friendly visit until she’s better. And if you’re a healthcare worker, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly between patients, just as Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis advised in 1847.
Of course, many people have good reason to be hysterical over this current pandemic, as well as a host of other potentially deadly dangers. Because the truth is this: We are all going to die, sooner or later. And for many people, death will be the gateway to an eternity in hell, where “there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth,” as Jesus warned multiple times.
It doesn’t have to be that way. As any born-again believer in Jesus Christ can tell you, God has made a way for every last person to be saved for all eternity. Here's how: Repent of what He has defined, in His word, as sin; and then trust in Jesus to have paid the penalty for that sin, in full, on the cross. If you do this, you can look forward to heaven as your eternal home, and perfect joy as its endless theme.
These are essentially our choices: Embrace the world’s fear and cling to this life as long as possible. Or relax: Embrace the Lord and His plan of salvation. Trust in Him to be in control of every facet of your life. And get ready for an eternity that will be glorious beyond our imaginations.
Don’t believe it? That’s your privilege, of course. But as they say, “Think while it’s still legal.” Investigate the subject for yourself; here’s one place to start. If you do so with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, you’re guaranteed a happily ever after.
Hope to see you there!