Nor is it any secret that the deadliest of all poisons is the kind that oh-so-subtly twists the truth about the word of God.
I was reminded of this recently in visiting a website called—a site that had been enthusiastically endorsed some months ago by a solid Christian who appreciated its use of animation and friendly, hip voiceovers. I’d taken a quick look at it back then, agreeing that this looked like very good stuff for youngsters.
But this time, I looked at a video entitled New Testament Letters: Literary Context. Here, in part, is what the voiceover said about how the apostle Paul went about writing his epistles:
“Paul didn’t work or write alone … [he] was constantly with his missionary teammates on the road, working out ideas as they talked and debated and talked together. And Paul would have collected speeches, poems and prayers in notebooks … And so Paul would get the right teammates in a room and start pulling together old and new material. Then they would hire a professional scribe and start creating drafts until they were satisfied with how it worked together as one whole.”
Which, of course, is absolute hogwash! The entire Bible, including Paul’s epistles, were informed and inspired by God Himself, not by a group of men looking for something that would sound good to itching ears.
The Bible tells us, in no uncertain terms, that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). This is the foundation of genuine Christianity and saving faith. It is the rock-solid truth upon which born-again believers can rest, forever assured that every last word is eternally trustworthy.
To say that the word of God is anything less—like the work of mere men—is blasphemy designed to let casual “believers” shrug off anything that doesn’t suit their fancy.
I don’t know how much of this false teaching there is at I found my one drop of poison in my second visit, and won’t be returning again.
Interestingly, I talked with the Christian who originally pointed me to the site and learned that she, too, had recently come across something there that made her uncomfortable. She couldn’t recall what it was, but perhaps it’s safe to say that there are at least two drops of poison to be found on this site. Beware!