In that sense, there are few surprises in The Lynching of a Darwin Skeptic: A Case of Political Correctness Run Amok. A detailed account of the anti-Christian discrimination being perpetrated at Northwest State Community College (NSCC) in Archbold, Ohio, this monograph exposes the rampant dishonesty and brutality of the institution’s leadership in firing Dr. Jerry Bergman. There’s really nothing new about that; Dr. Bergman himself has documented many such cases at numerous “institutions of higher learning” in three monumental works, Slaughter of the Dissidents, Silencing the Darwin Skeptics and, most recently, Censoring the Darwin Skeptics.
What is new are the charges NSCC officials made against Dr. Bergman in dismissing him after more than three decades of service: Astonishingly, they called him a racist, sexist, Nazi sympathizer.
These charges are demonstrably false. In fact, they’re almost laughable, particularly for those who know anything about the Darwinian roots of modern-day racism, sexism and Nazism—and especially for anyone even remotely familiar with Dr. Bergman’s writings on these subjects, such as his books Hitler and the Darwinian Nazi Worldview, The Darwin Effect, and The Dark Side of Charles Darwin.
Never mind that Dr. Bergman is probably the most educated human being to ever walk the halls of this community college, and probably the most widely published and knowledgeable professor any of these officials have ever encountered. Never mind the fact that his students have submitted glowing reviews of his teaching. These things don’t matter to academic bigots who consider religious convictions like his “not normal” and politics like his “too conservative.”
In Lynching, editor Kevin Wirth and the Academic Origins Science Research Defense Subcommittee have produced an important, compelling and highly readable book. It should be studied by every American who values academic freedom and truth. And it should be required reading for anyone thinking about pursuing, or underwriting, a college education in these United States.