But hold on, Fourth Estate! You’ve totally overlooked the one form of trans-ism that transcends the material, transforming the heart of every man, woman, boy or girl who embraces it: the transspiritualism of the born-again Christian.
Consider: When a new Christian repents, trusts in Christ and is therefore “born again through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 1:23), the Holy Spirit not only saves him for all eternity, but also changes him immediately into a new creature in Christ – a new creature whose goal in life is to become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ.
So where are the cheering journalists? Where are the TV documentaries and sit-coms and reality shows celebrating the transspiritist?
They’re nowhere to be found, of course. Why is that?
It can’t be that there’s a shortage of subjects. There are tens of thousands, perhaps millions, of born-again Christians living in the U.S. at this very moment, and most are eager to share what God has done in their lives.
Could it be that you can’t see such a heart-and-soul metamorphosis at a glance, and so have no before-and-after photo ops? Ah, but observe your transspiritists a little longer, reporters, and ask witnesses to comment on their lives. You’ll learn that their characters have been utterly transformed – that his rage has been replaced by peace, her selfishness by self-sacrifice, their self-righteous judgmentalism by compassion, his tight-fistedness by an unearthly generosity.
Not that it happens overnight. Just as it takes some time to change bodies and wardrobes, it takes the rest of each heaven-bound transspiritist’s life for the Lord to accomplish His objectives in his or her life. But there are landmarks along the way, as one stronghold after another falls to the power of the Holy Spirit. And anyone who has experienced these changes will be happy to tell you all about them.
Alas, thanks at least in part to the mass media, this trans-group has remained little more than a misunderstood and much maligned minority. Come on, journalists – the scoop awaits you! I’d be delighted to share my experience with the first ten reporters who call or write, and to refer you to many others with even more dramatic stories.