Medicare and Medicaid cuts are expected to mean that 43% of providers will be paid below cost, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) itself -- an escalation of the problem that providers have been lamenting for years. It's quite likely that we'll be seeing the shut-down of more and more businesses serving these populations.
I imagine that various levels of government, and especially the feds, are frothing at the bit to fill in the inevitable care gaps. That will surely mean higher taxes for everyone who pays taxes -- and the quality of care you would expect to receive with bureaucrats running the show.
The above-linked Christian Post article provides a chilling quote from Robert Moffit, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy Studies: "One thing is certain: Under the Obama agenda, seniors will pay more -- much more -- and they will pay this steep price in many different ways, including a loss of access to care resulting from demoralized doctors and other medical professionals cutting back on Medicare practice."
Odd that the mainstream media are not covering this crisis-in-the-making, even though it was flagged by the Congressional Budget Office over a year ago. But we can anticipate that there's a related trick they won't miss: Don't be surprised to hear growing demands for the "right" to die, and the desperate need to help the elderly end their suffering.
So, is there any good news to go with the bad?
Perhaps this: We've been warned.