We all face troubles in our lives, some of them seemingly insurmountable. Does that describe your situation today? Are you struggling with failing health, perhaps? Discouragement? Loneliness? Maybe even doubts that are challenging the faith that has seen you through so many of life's trials?
In such circumstances, it’s critical to remember that though the world may abandon you, there is One who has promised never to leave or forsake you. Jesus Christ is always there to fight your battles for you, to help you overcome even the most formidable foes.
In His word, God provides example after example of how He intervenes on behalf of His children to assure victory. Please take a few minutes to consider how He did that in the life of a young shepherd boy facing a truly intimidating enemy. The speaker is Chris Carrillo; the occasion, the October Christian Music Hour at Care-age of Brookfield; the title of Chris’s talk, “The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat.”