There certainly are plenty of them around these days.
There's the "certified pre-owned" car that's really simply used.
Or the "tipsy" fellow who caused such a scene at the wedding last week, who was just plain drunk.
Or the "physical" linebacker who's actually a dirty player.
But euphemisms like these are relatively innocent compared to some of the whoppers we're exposed to today -- the ones that are delivered by wolves in sheep's clothing.
Most notably, "self-deliverance." Have you heard that term yet?
It means "suicide."
It means "killing yourself."
It means deciding that your life might become an unbearable burden to someone else -- or quite possibly to yourself.
It means "taking the easy way out."
It is making the supreme sacrifice to the gods of comfort and convenience -- the same gods that have claimed the lives of tens of millions of babies in American wombs over the the last four blood-spattered decades.
I've read about "self-deliverence" here and there and have finally taken the time to look it up.
Yup, there it is, presented as an act of courage, of selflessness, of supreme self-sacrifice.
Satan has apparently been working overtime since the first strains of Zionism were heard in the 19th century, when he began inventing false religions to satisfy every taste. He has stepped it up since the restoration of Israel in 1948. And now that the final pieces of biblical prophecy are falling into place -- those presented in Ezekiel 38, for instance -- he has gone hog wild with deceptions that would take any marketer's breath away.
Just consider his track record.
He repositioned "infanticide" as "choice."
He transformed "selfishness" into "self-actualization."
He changed "greed" into "financial responsibility."
And now he is succeeding in repositioning "suicide" as courageous and sacrificial "self-deliverance," something that we do as the ultimate expression of love for family, country, and culture.
He has even raised up generations of "professionals" to make it easy on everyone concerned, complete with well-funded associations and beautifully designed web sites to talk our legislators into legalizing it, and to talk us into taking this route ourselves when the time comes.
God help us.