If these numbers can be trusted -- and I take nothing for granted anymore, but they're all we have to work with -- Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia are on a pathway to destroying us all.
Consider just a few of the statistics:
- Since 2000, deaths from Alzheimer's have risen 68%, while deaths from other "leading" diseases have trended down.
- One in three seniors dies with (although apparently not necessary "from") one form of dementia or another.
- Someone develops Alzheimer's every 68 seconds.
- By 2025, the experts expect another 40% increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer's -- and another 230% increase by 2050, unless a cure is found.
- About 5% of victims are "early onset," developing the disease in their 40s and 50s.
Yet just 50 years ago, this disease (along with others related to the brain) was almost unknown. What's going on?
In some apparently rare cases, the disease can be genetic. (So much for evolutionary improvements due to positive, additive genetic changes. Man alive, how can anyone look at this world and be deluded enough to believe in evolution?) But otherwise, the experts appear to be stumped.
Could it be environmental? The result of something we're willingly ingesting? Could it be related to vaccines?
And how come our mainstream news media seem to be so utterly disinterested in investigating and reporting on such a critical topic?